Do your prospects ever ask you about your best competitor? Do your prospects know why they should buy from you instead of from your most vital competitor?
You need a succinct, clear message that tells your prospects exactly why they should buy from you and not them. If you don't have this succinct, clear message, figure it out now. If you can't cut through the typical sales-speak bull and clearly tell your prospects why they should choose you instead of your competitor, then maybe they should choose your competitor.
Here are three rules to follow when developing your message:
1. Your message should be one sentence or two or three bullet-point reasons (any more and your reasons will lose their power).
2. Make sure these statements truly set you apart from your competitor and highlight a difference.
3. Don't use overused or trite words or tired terminology (value, innovation, best, customer service, solution, biggest, smallest, longest, newest, blah, blah, blah - consumers tune out that stuff anyway).
When you've completed your statement or list and you're happy with it, make sure everyone in your company knows the statement or list from memory. Your employee recites this list anytime a prospect or anybody else asks what the difference is between you and your competitor. It should be a core principal of your organization to have this statement or list at the tip of every employee's tongue, ready to be put into action at any moment (this means it needs to be memorized and understood by owners, managers, salespeople, appointment-setters, receptionists, installers, production people, warehouse people, accounting people, marketing people, or whoever else you employ in your company). Your statement will become a unifying factor in your company over time, and it will be a powerful sales tool.
In time, you will find ways to exaggerate your competitive differences and fine tune them so that they are even more compelling to your prospects. You cannot dominate your most vital competitor if you don't clearly understand exactly what is you have to offer your prospects that they don't offer.
By the way, why should you hire Selling to Consumers instead of someone else to train your salespeople? Because I am the expert at selling to consumers.
Skip Anderson is the Founder and President of Selling to Consumers, a B2C sales training and consulting firm. Subscribe to the free Selling to Consumers Sales Tips newsletter at
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