You might be a sleazy salesperson if... make fun of your customers behind their back. Alot don't just take advantage of an opportunity, you take advantage of a customer don't keep private information private
...don't treat your customers with genuine respect
...cheat someone out of something
...view your prospect as being your opponent
...have a fake smile
...wear polyester ties
...wear a top that is two sizes too small (applies to men and women)
...or even one size too small can't help out a colleague without expecting something in return
...your ego is bigger than your humility
...take anything of the customer's that isn't yours
...hit on your customers
...say "trust me" too much leg
...act like a gangsta line up with other salespeople, peering out the windows of your car dealership
...with binoculars in front of your customer, unless you're dining together
...wink a lot
...your perfume/cologne lingers two hours after you've left the room
...prematurely bring your sales manager into the conversation to "close the deal"
...tell a unabashed lie to your prospect
...don't do what you say you were going to do
...use colorful language in front of your prospects that don't use colorful language call a customer "babe" or "baby" or "honey"
...say inappropriate things around children
...look anywhere in your customer's home that you shouldn't (if you sell in the home)
...chomp on gum while with a customer
...say "I gotta go take a dump" to a customer, unless that's how your customer talks
...don't play by the rules
...don't know the rules
...don't care that you don't know the rules
...wear too much jewelry
...have breath, clothes, or a body that smells like an ashtray or worse
...have too many buttons unbuttoned on your blouse or shirt
...stand around your store or showroom talking trash with other salespeople, especially when customers are present
...answer your cell phone when with a prospect
...itch yourself where you shouldn't
...for too long think know the world evolves around you
What salespeople do you know that are on the sleazy side? What else should be on the list that I'm missing?
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Skip Anderson is the Founder of Selling to Consumers Sales Training,
a B2C and retail sales training and management consulting company. Skip
is nuts about helping companies and individuals sell more.
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